
Journey into Time cover imageI’m pleased to announce the release of the short-story anthology Journey Into Time, jointly published by the Houston Writers Guild and Women in the Visual and Literary Arts! This is the anthology I mentioned earlier in the year, where one of my stories was selected to be included in the publication. I’m pretty jazzed as it’s my first official publication and entry on Amazon.

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If you like short stories but are wary about purchasing a collection because you don’t know what you’ll get, no worries! I’ve read the entire set and below is a rundown of the table of contents and a one-line summary of each story’s subject matter. There is something for everyone here—real-life drama, humor, sports, sci-fi, time travel, and fantasy.

The end of the book also has an “About the Author” for each of the 13 writers, so if you are looking for new writers to follow, it’s a great way to meet some new ones. Journey Into Time is available on Kindle and in paperback.

  1. Shimmer, by Catherine Gentry…a 50-year-old woman faces down a mid-life crisis
  2. Al Muqaddim, by Joy Beguine…a Muslim woman finds a way to escape her abusive husband
  3. The Black Magi, by Timothy Gene Sojka…a journalist recounts his interview with a Black pitcher from the 1955 Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team, who now lives in a nursing home near the Texas Gulf Coast
  4. Racing to a Full Stop, by Gail Bergan…a woman rushes across the country to be with her dying sister, encountering unexpected hardships along the way
  5. Getting Bob’s Attention, by Gunnar Birgisson…a journalist interviews someone with an unusual personality disorder
  6. Marama: Sword of Power, by Fern Brady…Thyrein completes his endurance mountain climb and searches for his next test—the Great Sword embedded in stone—assisted by the mist-dragon Marama
  7. Get Whatever You Want, by Tassie Kalas…a teenage girl learns to shop, balancing the lessons of her bargain-hunting mother and her spendthrift father
  8. Found and Lost, by Jean King…an elderly woman awakens, confused to find herself in a nursing home
  9. Look Mom, No Hands!, by Cynthia Klopsteck…a woman walks through the silent home of her recently deceased mother
  10. Midnight Reckoning, by Lynn Long…a vampire and a sheriff forge an unholy alliance
  11. Open Minds Through Time, by Tod Tinker…a time-traveling conversation via the telephone
  12. Jexa, by K. M. Sokulski…time travelers conduct a private war
  13. Dancing with Grandpa, by Cyndi Whatif…a ten-year-old Air Force brat describes her fifth move, and what she discovers in the attic of her grandma’s house